Friday, 27 February 2015

It's almost over....again

Friday, February 27 7:10 PM
I'm sitting here in the communal room with my partners, Nancy (from 2014) and Louise (this year).  It's hard not to get a little emotional just because of all the things these two ladies have shared with me over the last two years.  They are busy trying to pack suitcases, I've given up I know I am over and I will have to pay.  In 40 minutes we leave for the airport.  In a few hours I may never see this continent again (although, God willing, I will).  A few thoughts before I board the bus, and maybe a few more to be uploaded in London.  I'm emotionally exhausted from the day, from the week, from the trip.  The market today was a zoo, as soon as you step out of your vehicle 6 or more men are right there, they are all trying to sell you their wares and they will not let it go.  They won't give you any space and they follow and follow.  Now, I've been to Mexico and been to the markets there, but this takes the cake, it's nothing like anything I have ever seen.  They need to make a living, and they need to make money for their families, their shelter, their food, it makes me sad.

We get a 7 hour flight to reflect on our journey here, or sleep, whichever comes to you.  I'm going to reflect on the really impressive women that I have met here, ones that break the stereotype of what we may feel women in Africa are.  They are strong, they have their own ideas and they will continue on their own journey while I go home to mine.  Similar to Alice, who visited us from Kenya, I hope to hear from these women occasionally, and hear that their careers are progressing and that they are happy, healthy and continuing to be strong of mind and strong of spirit.  

I'm hoping that the images of Africa will stay with me forever.  I want to remember hiding from Alfred while I had a cigarette (tsk, tsk) and the look on his face when he came around the corner.  The look of the babies when they see our skin for the very first time.  The absolutely breathtaking scenery of this beautiful country....that I will miss for sure.  

Although "goodbye Ghana" is better alliteration I think I'm going to stick with "see you later," or "until we meet again...."


  1. Debbie, hard to believe your trip is ending. We loved reading your blog and checked it every day.

  2. Another amazing chapter in a very interesting book! Thanks for sharing ♥
